Journal Entry 10.28.23

Kora: the circumambulation of a sacred site. The Boudhanath Stupa is one of the most famous sacred sites in Nepal. A giant stupa with the representation of Buddha’s eyes is hypnotizing. At all hours of every day you will find devotees and tourist walking in a circle around the stupa in Kathmandu.

Tonight there is a full moon so there were even more people walking or doing full bodied prostrations around the stupa. The stone pathway is worn smooth. Dogs sleep in the way, juniper branches and incense is burned. People stop abruptly to take photos and yet the flow continues and no one is fully interrupted on their path. The circular walk has a certain rhythm, a particular speed, not fast, but with purpose. Some people simply visit with their walking companions, others recite prayers and carry prayer beads and incense. The pace is gentle and brisk all at the same time. The path is hypnotic. My desire to continue is strong. If I were here longer, I imagine I would do kora each day in the cool of the evening. I imagine an evening perambulation with purpose and devotion. Om mani padme om. A private journey surrounded by others on their own private journey.


Journal Entry 10.29.23


Journal Entry 10.27.23