Journal Entry 11.12.23

I must not diminish the genuineness of the relationships I have with people around the world. Our genuine interest in each other and attachment to one another is not any less important and significant because we stumble over language together or because we look different. These are people who were sad when my first husband treated me badly, who laughed about the strangeness of our children sharing unlikely diagnoses, and who want to know what I eat and what I wear because they are curious about my life. I want to know that they are happy. That their children have good lives. I want to know their gossip and learn their foibles and preferences. I want to please them and hear their stories as they want to hear mine.

It is a confusing extended family, but not that different that the family my aunt experienced moving to London in the 1950’s when phone lines had a delay, and flights were prohibitive, and connections were made periodically with letters written in precise but illegible handwriting with watercolor embellishments. Today I rely on WhatsApp and Facebook and recorded phone messages and I am grateful that technology has provided me with these opportunities.


Journal Entry 11.13.23


Journal Entry 11.11.23